Sunday, April 12, 2009

BENGAL Tri and Stuff

So yesterday was the first ever BENGAL Triathlon. When we started the Pocatello TRI CLub at this time last year, I wanted to promote the sport here in Pocatello - and hopefully plan a few new events. The BENGAL Tri was part of that effort.... and it went great, I thought!

First of all, turn out was spectacular! We had about 75 people participate - which is awesome! My students at ISU were tremendous, too! They ran a top notch race. We had excellent sponsors... excellent course support... and just overall GREAT attitudes! I felt pretty good and am optimistic about the future of triathlon in this community! We will also continue to do our Pocatello Kids Triathlon in September. That event went well, too, and so we'll keep that up. With what we learned by doing the Bengal Tri, we'll make that one improve by leaps and bounds!

I coordinated the race yesterday and then left it to my very capable students to manage so that I could participate. My swim was alright... perhaps a little slower than I would have liked to go, but I was content with the 9:24 for the 700 yds. I can knock that down another 30 seconds or so in the future, I think. My bike was... eh.. I don't know really. I felt okay, really, but having only been on the bike TWICE (ugh.) since October's Longhorn IM probably wasn't smart. I paid for that on the run when my right calf - then left thigh - seized up. I had to walk quite a bit on the run because of that. But it's early in the year... and I'm GOOD with how I did. I have good room to improve before the Boise IM 70.3 in June.. and I'm motivated again to get things going after the long and brutal, injury-filled winter (foot/back).

Hey... check this out. This was the POCATELLO TRI CLUB turnout at the Bengal Tri! We're growing so much! We have more than 60 members now... and these are the ones that came and raced yesterday!

SaaaaWeeeeet! Dang we look good!

Alright. I'm out. Bother me if you don't see me working out. I need to lose 10 lbs before Boise and 15 before Oklahoma City and the Halfmax Nat'l Championships. Oh ya.... that's the other big race on my list this summer!

Three more weeks of school! Phew!

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