Friday, January 09, 2009

WTF. Where Have I Been?

Okay. So it's been awhile. I haven't actually been l a z y but I have procrastinated writing in my blog. To be honest, I know no one actually reads it so why does it matter? Ha.

I signed up for Boise IM 70.3 the other day. I needed that. I need something - a target to work towards. That race is in June... about 4 hours from where I live. Boise will be good. I'm also going to do the Halfmax Nat'l Championships for the Half IM distance. That'll be in Oklahoma City in September. Traveling there will be mighty fun for me. It's a trip "home" so to speak... I was born in Oklahoma (Lawton) and am looking forward to seeing the place.

I also want to do a marathon. I think..just to do the distance. I know I want to do a full IM .... in 2010... but I haven't decided what one to do. You know, I could do CDA since it's here in Idaho... but CDA in June is reaaaalllly unpredictable. The winds and cold weather - even snow - could still be around. I'm going to be miserable enough as it is... I don't want to worry about the weather, too. I'd like to find a course that (a) does not have an ocean swim (don't want to be a part of the food chain, you know), (b) is relatively flat, and (c) presents a new "view" for me.... somewhere I'm not real familiar with and get to travel to. It would be nice to have a training/travel partner to keep me motivated. Any takers? (well, since no one reads this what's the point of asking?@!!&&^!!)

I had the foot surgery just before November. It went well. At least so far! I'm running again... about 4 miles a day is all, but so far I don't have any pain - other than the typical soft tissue discomfort from the surgery incision area. I think things will turn out great. My back is bothering me though.. from the HORRIBLE wedge boot I had to wear for three weeks. It's all a part of the bigger problem - which is lack of leg and core strength. My "resolution" is to work on that this year and improve. I'm seeing a physical therapist and he's helping me with it. I'm also going to get a friend who works with ISU's athletes to help me once I graduate from PT.

That's about all I got for now.
I'm Out.


Viv said...

Glad you are running again after the foot surgery. Girl, did ya even tell us you were having surgery?! LOL! Way to sign up for some more halfs. On the marathon I still believe my first will be after a really long warm up know what I mean....
I am think FL or AZ in 2010, let's do it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Smitty,

My wife and I are students at ISU and are planning on doing a few sprint triathlons this summer. I was having trouble with the application form link on the Pocatello Triathlon Club web site. My email is
