Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Half Marathon Race Report

Now that I'm finally STARTING to STOP hurting I'll give you my race report!

Saturday I did the Salt Lake City Half Marathon. This was epic for me because a) I've got the half ironman in four weeks, b) I've never done a half marathon race before, and c) I've never even run that far in one attempt! So... off to SLC!

The start was intimidating. There were about 8,000 people on the starting line... all the marathoners and half marathoners. THat was quite the site. By the time I actually crossed the starting line (a slow walk across it due to all the congestion!) the clock said 6 minutes and something seconds. I got to take my first running steps about a hundred yards later... and I was off!

I felt GREAT as I weaved in and out of slower traffic... My stride was consistent at about a 9:15 pace... slow and steady! Really, I never got cardiovascularly fatigued... but my muscles starting feeling the wear about mile 6 (race clock said 1:01 at this point, but remember I started late!). By mile 7 my wonderful neuroma started hurting so I had to incorporate a little walk 100 yds to knock some sense into the foot .. and then run 1/2 to 1 mile... then walk again to pound the foot on the asphalt.. etc. Muscularly, I was feeling the most fatigued at about mile 9... but by mile 10 I was feeling happy cause I only had a 5K to go and I knew at this point I was going to make it. I kept my walk-run thing going... walking only short bits - enuf to get the feeling back in my foot and make the sharp pain subside.

The last 1.5 miles was windy as all could be. WOW. But it was neat to see the crowds along the sidewalks.

When I was driving down there to the race, I was joking with my friend that if I played my cards right, I could finish my half marathon at the same time the Kenyans finished the marathon... and perhaps even be in the photo finish! Haha! WOuldn't that be funny.. it would look like the Kenyans just beat me! Haha. Well.. with 1/2 mile to go.. I hear the motorcycle cops coming... with the marathon race leaders...

When I took the final turn into the Gateway mall... the dang Kenyans PASSED ME with 100 yards to go! There would be no Smitty in the winners photo. Damn!

On the serious side.. WOW can those Kenyans run! You know.. you see them on tv winning all the big events and you just don't appreciate their stride... until they blow right by you... and finish 26.2 miles faster than you finish 13.1!!!

My final time - according to my trusty stopwatch.. was 2:17.52. A 10:32 mile pace (or something like that). Not too terribly wonderful.. but for my first half marathon, I was pretty happy that I just FINISHED. Plus.. cardiovascularly as I said I felt good. I definitely gained a little confidence!

So.. the race is ON. I leave three weeks from tomorrow! I'm - Nervous. Scared. Anxious. Excited. Curious. Doubtful. Hopeful. Anticipating.

The typical stuff.

Oh. I took Sunday off from the workout scene.. due to PAIN. I swam a light 2000 yds monday...trying to see if my legs had the potential to bend ever again... then biked 2.5 hours today and bricked it to a measley 2 mile run. A 4000 yd workout in the pool is in store for tomorrow morning and a nice 2 hour bike sometime in the afternoon.

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