Friday, March 28, 2008

It's All About the T-Shirt

OKAY. So I've been asked a few times lately why I'm going ALL the way to Florida for my half Ironman. Some, including my very own dear husband, have pointed out that Boise is offering a half iron this year... and Burley always offers one. So here's the deal.

Why NOT: The swim is downstream in the Snake River. The river doesn't bother me. The current does. That's not fair. It's not a real half ironman if the 1.2 mile swim can be done in 10 minutes!!! I LIKE THE SWIM... it's the ONLY advantage I have.
Why else NOT: It's Burley. Have you smelled that place?

Why NOT: It's hilly. Since this is my first half iron, I need a race I'm comfortable with. Big girls don't climb well. I absolutely LOVED my Spudman race there last year (Olympic distance). The climb wasn't that bad at all. But for 56 miles? I just need to feel confident this first time. If they do Boise again next year, I'll be there.
Why else NOT; It's Boise. It's where I grew up. If I'm going to do a race of this proportion, I don't want the tshirt to say Boise.

Why? Flat course. orange groves. Mickey Mouse. A long ways away!

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